Choose a seed: Lettuce, Tomatoes, Basil, Eggplants , e.t.c. - Whatever your skill level and growing space we’ve got one that’s just right for you.
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ClassicåÊvariety of basil. Large plant with dark green leaves. Often used for sauces and pestos.
Thrives in tropical weather. Very easy to germinate and grow. Shade cloth recommended to shield from afternoon sun.
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Latin Name:Solanum Lycopersicum L.
Open pollinated variety producing many small fruits of 20-30g each - 'pomodorini'. Oblong 'plum' sytle cherry. Bush, so ideal for containers and balconies too.
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Latin Name:Brassica oleracea
Cavolo Laciniato-Nero Di Toscana Precoce-Curly Kale
Classic Tuscan Kale. Grows very well in tropical Singapore. Tested on rooftop farm. Large curly leaves.
Approximately 1500 seeds.
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A large flat leaf variety from Naples. Really tasty. Will grow again after cutting.
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Latin Name:Solanum Lycopersicum L.
Meaty mid-sized oblong tomato. Versatile as can be used for cooking or eating. Determinate. Quite resistant with fruits typically of 70-80g each in weight.
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Latin Name: Coriandrum Sativum L.
Fast-growing, aromatic herb that grows partial to full sun. Likes a sunny spot, well-drained soil and a steady supply of both water and fertiliser. Leaves can be frozen for storage.
Latin Name: Rosmarinus Officinalis L.
Woody-stemmed plant with needle-like leaves that bears pale blue flowers. Grows up to 3 feet in height. Used to flavour roasts. Prefers asheltered warm position. Prefers full sun and light, well-drained soil and is easy to grow. Use fresh or died, or freeze rosemary to future use.
Large basil with blistered leaves. This variety is only found in Naples and is highly prized for it's flavour. Traditionally used to wrap the large leaves around mozzarella balls and drizzled with olive. 8 Grams of seeds.
Latin Name: Hibiscus Esculentus L.
Classic lady's fingers. Grows well in nutrient rich soil and can tolerate tropical growing conditions.
Plants grow quite tall >4ft. Will bolt faster as temperature rises and duration of sunlight increases. OKRA plants can handle full sun but use of shade cloth to block out afternoon sun (when its intense) is recommended.Germinate in cool area. Grow in cool area, good air circulation and water often. Suitable for container gardening.
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Latin Name: Lavandula Vera
Perennial aromatic herb that bears blue flowers.24" high plant with compact growth habit. Plant in full sun, germinate cool.Long germination period of 2 - 4 weeks. Sow in neutral or slightly alkaline, well drained soil.Start indoors in pots, set outside at 12-18" spacing. If your soil is soggy, damp or poorly drained, lavender's delicate roots are likely to rot.Keep topsoil relatively dry to prevent humidity/ fungus related problems. Use dried flowers to flavour homemade biscuits or with pork and for perfume pouches.
Latin Name:Solanum Melongena L.
Melanza: Violetta Lunga 2
The classic Italian eggplant. Long, dark and slightly curved.
Eggplants in general take well to tropical climates and can be grown as perennials. Just make sure soil preparation and moisture is adequate for fruiting plants and allow for protection during the hottest of afternoon suns and good air circulation in-between and amongst plants.
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Rucola: Diplotaxis Tenuifolia
Growing wild rocket in the tropics generally requires experienced care. They are delicate plants that are sensitive to heat and humidity. With higher temperatures the leaves have been tasted to be more intense with increased bitter and pepper flavours. Grow with care. Will bolt faster as temperature rises and duration of sunlight increases. Use shade cloth to block out afternoon sun. Germinate in cool, dark area. Grow in cool area, shaded from afternoon sun, good air circulation and water often. Suitable for container gardening.
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Latin Name:Capsicum Annuum L.
Hailing from Padron, Northwestern Spain, this plant produces small to medium sized elongated conical shaped peppers. It's flesh is thick and tasty. The heat levels vary from mild to hot. This type commonly fried in oil and served as tapas.
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Latin Name:åÊSolanum Lycopersicum L.
Classic Italian plum tomato from Naples used mainly for cooking as it has very little water inside, few seeds and is very meaty. Use for making Passata, cooking. 70-80 g.
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Latin Name: Ipomea Coccinea L.
IpomeaCampanelli: Multicolour
This climbing, vine plant flowers with bell shaped flowers fading to a white core. Ideal for balconies, pergola's and wall covering.
In general morning glories handle heat & humidity pretty well. Flowering in the (wait for it...) morning, these flowers are short-lived but re-grow frequently. Do be prepared to sweep the ground often!
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Rucola: Diplotaxis Tenuifolia
First introduced to the UK by the Romans. Adds a peppery flavour to salads and pizza's.
Growing rocketin the tropics generally requires experienced care. They are delicate plants that are sensitive to heat and humidity. With higher temperatures the leaves have been tasted to be more intense with increased bitter and pepper flavours. Grow with care.Will bolt faster as temperature rises and duration of sunlight increases. Use shade cloth to block out afternoon sun. Germinate in cool, dark area. Grow in cool area, shaded from afternoon sun, good air circulation and water often. Suitable for container gardening. Not recommended for beginner guerillas.
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Latin Name:Tagetes Erecta L.
Tagetes Patula Nana: A Fiori Semplici Multicolour
Dwarf Marigold in mixed colours.
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Latin Name: Peroselinum Crispum
Prezzemolo: Comune 2
Fragrant, thin stalked, flat-leafed parsley. National variety used all over Italy.
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Latin Name: Matricaria Chamomilla L.
Latin Name: Ocimum Basilicum L.
Small, narrow leaves and purple stems, with a mauve (pink-purple) flower.Very strong, clove-scented basil popular in Thailand cuisine.Its flavour is more stable under high or extended cooking temperatures than that of sweet basil.
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Climbing Nasturtium recommended for covering pergola,s. Mixed colours of Oranges and yellows. 200cm.
Recommended for balcony
Similar in shape to the Roma but more productive. Fruits typically of 70-80g each. Suited for cooking, sauces and preserving.
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Perennial shrub with woody stems with long oval shaped green/grey leaves with a velvet like texture. Grows up to 2 - 3 feet tall and can be used fresh or dried. Plant in a partially shaded spot. Spicy aroma commonly used to season meat and pasta. Also used to make tea that has been used to sooth coughs and sore throats. Plant near rosemary, cabbage, and carrots, but keep sage away from cucumbers.
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Latin Name: Citrullus Lanatus
Dark green with lush red flesh to 25cm diam and 6kg. Early maturing and perfect for hot summer days.
Watermelons require warm temperatures and long growing seasons.Watermelon vines are very tender and should not be transplanted until all danger of frost has passed. Theyprefer a soil pH between 6 and 6.8 andlike loamy, well-drained soil.Water at the vine's base in the morning, avoid overhead watering andwetting the leaves, take note to reduce watering once fruit are growing. Dry weather produces the sweetest melon.As the fruit ripens, prevent rotting by lifting it and putting some cardboard or straw between the fruit and the soil.
Latin Name:Solanum Melongena L.
This heirloom varietal produces large black and glossy fruits. A common standard of market eggplants.
Eggplants in general take well to tropical climates and can be grown as perennials. Just make sure soil preparation and moisture is adequate for fruiting plants and allow for protection during the hottest of afternoon suns and good air circulation in-between and amongst plants.
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Lettuce-leaf basil.
This is a vigorous plant with large leaves and a milder taste than Italiano Classico. Use it to put on a sandwich, wrap a slice of tomato with mozzarella cheese, or on bruschetta. Can be grown in containers. 75-80 days from direct seed. Sow seeds in a sunny spot when weather has warmed up, or start in a seed box and transplant. For transplants, sow 5-6 seeds in a 10cm pot six weeks before setting out. 8g about 5,600 seeds.
Latin Name: Latuca Sativa
LolloBionda (Spumiglia)
Classic Italian pale-green lettuce with a lovely mound of ruffle-edged leaves.
Growing lettuce plants in the tropics generally require more care. They are delicate plants that are sensitive to heat and humidity. Grow with care.Will bolt faster as temperature rises and duration of sunlight increases. Use shade cloth to block out afternoon sun.Germinate in cool, dark area. Grow in cool area, shaded from afternoon sun, good air circulation and water often. Suitable for container gardening. Not recommended for beginner guerillas.
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Latin Name:Cucurbita Pepo L.
'Black of Milan'. This variety has a very dark green skin, making it look almost black. Regionally found in the Lombardia area of Italy. Productive plant with open plant habit making it easy to harvest.
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Latin Name: Cucumis Sativus L.
English style cuke. Mid-early medium sized fruits with few spikes. Delicious, mildly sweet cucumbers with dark green, protective skin.A climbing type of cucumber that should be spaced about 10cm (4in) apart
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Latin Name: Anethum Graveolens L.
Chilli pepper Habanero Red
By popular demand, we've increased our range of Habanero chillies which are high quality and generally about 4 times hotter than a Cayenne! Late variety. This plant produce lantern shaped fruits with conical tip. Fruit dimensions vary from 4-8cm in length and 2-5cm in width. During the maturity the colour will change from green to bright red and they will become sweeter. Use with caution. Sow Feb-Jun.
Latin Name: Ipomea Coccinea L.
This climbing, vine plant flowers with bell shaped flowers fading to a white core. Ideal for balconies, pergola's and wall covering.
In general morning glories handle heat & humidity pretty well. Flowering in the (wait for it...) morning, these flowers are short-lived but re-grow frequently. Do be prepared to sweep the ground often!
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Smallest of Basil leaf family but carries very intense flavours. Plants grows in a small compact bush and grows well in pots.
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Chilli pepper Habanero Yellow
You asked us for more Habanero chillies and here is the great quality Habanero Yellow, meaty, hot and tasty. Late variety. This plant produce lantern shaped fruits with conical tip. Fruit dimensions vary from 4-8cm in length and 2-5cm in width. During the maturity the colour will change from green to yellow and they will become sweeter. Use with caution. Sow Feb-Jun. @50 seeds
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Latin Name: Origanum Vulgare
A robust perennial plant with large leaves.Used in Mediterranean cooking, the dried leaves are indispensable on breads, pizza and tomatoes. Real Italian origano. Large highly flavored leaves.Easy to grow.
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Latin Name: Tagetes Erecta L.
TagetesGigante: A Fiori Pieno Multicolour
Giant Marigold with large flowers. Long lasting flowers also suitable for flower beds. In various shades of yellow
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A light green, easy to grow and sweet tasting cutting lettuce.
Will bolt faster as temperature rises and duration of sunlight increases. Use shade cloth to block out afternoon sun.Germinate in cool area. Grow in cool area, shaded from afternoon sun, good air circulation and water often. Suitable for container gardening.
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Latin Name: Impatiens Balsamina L.
Annual, mixed colour. Prefers partial sun. Flowers all summer. Suitable for beds, borders and pots. 50cm tall. GrowsåÊextremelyåÊeasily in tropical climate. Take care as when the seed pods burst they will spread far andåÊwide.
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This is an Annual variety, upright about 170cms tall.
Striking effect.
To Sow from February to June.
Recommended for cutting
Fresh green, frizzy leaves form ruffled heads. Fairly resistant to bolting. Great for salads.
Growing lettuce plants in the tropics generally require more care. They are delicate plants that are sensitive to heat and humidity. Grow with care. Will bolt faster as temperature rises and duration of sunlight increases. Use shade cloth to block out afternoon sun.Germinate in cool, dark area. Grow in cool area, shaded from afternoon sun, good air circulation and water often. Suitable for container gardening. Not recommended for beginner guerillas.
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Latin Name: Latuca Sativa
Green oak-leafed cutting lettuces.
Growing lettuce plants in the tropics generally requires experienced care. They are delicate plants that are sensitive to heat and humidity, particularly if the heads are closed or tightly bunched together. Loosed-leaf and oak-leafvarietiesgenerally fare better ashumidity increases.
Grow with care.Will bolt faster as temperature rises and duration of sunlight increases. Use shade cloth to block out afternoon sun. Germinate in cool, dark area. Grow in cool area, shaded from afternoon sun, good air circulation and water often. Suitable for container gardening.
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Latin Name: Cucurbita Pepo L.
UFO shaped courgette which has a firmer consistency when cooked (more like white fish). Just cut into 'steaks' or slices and fry.
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Latin Name: Lactuca Sativa L.
'Red Snake'. Early lettuce which forms rosette shaped heads for cutting.Will bolt faster as temperature rises and duration of sunlight increases. Use shade cloth to block out afternoon sun.Germinate in cool area. Grow in cool area, shaded from afternoon sun, good air circulation and water often. Suitable for container gardening. Not recommended for beginner guerillas.
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Latin Name: Latuca Sativa
Classic deep red coloured cutting lettuce with ruffled leaves.
Rosette lettuce with (wait for it): red leaves. Also great for your (wait for it): salad bowl! Known to be slower to bolt in hot weather.
Growing lettuce plants in the tropics generally require more care. They are delicate plants that are sensitive to heat and humidity, particularly if the heads are closed or tightly bunched together. Grow with care.Will bolt faster as temperature rises and duration of sunlight increases. Use shade cloth to block out afternoon sun. Germinate in cool, dark area. Grow in cool area, shaded from afternoon sun, good air circulation and water often. Suitable for container gardening. Not recommended for beginner guerillas.
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Latin Name:Melissa Officinalis
Perennial herb with a strong lemon fragrance is versatile and easy to grow. Plant in full sun to partial shade.Grows to 70-150 cm tall. Bears mall white flowers full of nectar appear. Leaves that look like oversized mint.Garnish sorbetto ice-cream and cocktails, or dry to make herbal tea
Compact plant with greeny-violet leaves. Produces dark green fruits which grow pointing upwards and ripen reddy-violet. Can also be grown ornamentally in a container. Local Italian Production. Voted 10th hottest by BBC Gardeners World in the 2006 Hottest Chilli Trials.
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V75 - Vigorous, uniform with intense green leaves with large white stalks. Plants of good dimension. Edible raw or cooked.
Approximate seeds quantity:@1000
Sow: from March - August
Latin Name:Cucurbita Moschata
Zucca: Lunga Cilindrica Napoletana
The same shape as a butternut squash, but mottled green outside with thin skin, yellow flesh and a delicate flavour. Can grow to 1 metre in length. Made in Naples.
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Latin Name:Capsicum Frutescens
Medium heatchillithat measures between 100mm - 150mm in length. Slightly tangy-sweet with that mild heat layered on top.Serve fresh in salads and salsas, or as a pickled appetizer.
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Lollo Rossa (Spumiglia)
Classic Italianwith tightly ruffled, purple-red edges forming a mounded, round shape.
Growing lettuce plants in the tropics generally require more care. They are delicate plants that are sensitive to heat and humidity. Grow with care. Will bolt faster as temperature rises and duration of sunlight increases. Use shade cloth to block out afternoon sun.Germinate in cool, dark area. Grow in cool area, shaded from afternoon sun, good air circulation and water often. Suitable for container gardening. Not recommended for beginner guerillas.
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