Latin Name: Matricaria Chamomilla L.
Latin Name: Anthriscus Cerefolium
Hardy annual plant with bright-green, flat leaves.Grows to about 1 foot during their leaf stage, but reach 2-12 feet in flower.Mild flavor with hints of liquorice oranise.Moist, fertile soil and high shade suit chervil best. Dried chervil may be used to scent potpourris. Fresh leaves and stems are used to flavor soups, casseroles, salads and sauces.Suitable for container growing.
Latin Name: Coriandrum Sativum L.
Fast-growing, aromatic herb that grows partial to full sun. Likes a sunny spot, well-drained soil and a steady supply of both water and fertiliser. Leaves can be frozen for storage.
Latin Name: Lavandula Vera
Perennial aromatic herb that bears blue flowers.24" high plant with compact growth habit. Plant in full sun, germinate cool.Long germination period of 2 - 4 weeks. Sow in neutral or slightly alkaline, well drained soil.Start indoors in pots, set outside at 12-18" spacing. If your soil is soggy, damp or poorly drained, lavender's delicate roots are likely to rot.Keep topsoil relatively dry to prevent humidity/ fungus related problems. Use dried flowers to flavour homemade biscuits or with pork and for perfume pouches.